The Melachot of Shabbat

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The Melachot of Shabbat
The Melachot of Shabbat in
  • Taking Medicine to Facilitate Mitzvot
    Last Friday, I developed minor nasal issues, resembling my allergies. I figured that if I take my allergy medicine and wake up symptom-free, I can assume it was allergies. Was I permitted to take it (nasal spray) on Shabbat?
  • Food Coloring and Shabbos
    May I mix red and white wines on Shabbos? May I decorate a cake on Shabbos?
  • Playing Darts on Shabbat
    Can we play darts on Shabbat? The darts are classic ones that pierce the board’s surface; the board hangs loosely from a nail in the wall; in between uses, the darts often stay on the boar
  • How Not to Desecrate Shabbos
    The story of the mekosheish, the man caught gathering wood on Shabbos, in Parshas Shelach, contains a host of conflicting and unusual midrashim. The story also serves as a springboard for many halachic and hashkafic issues.
  • Can there be Smoke Without a Fire?
    May I place cold frankfurters on top of a hot pot to warm them on Shabbos? May one derive benefit from a cheese dog, which is a grilled hot dog with added cheese and chili sauce? I will be traveling overseas for Yom Tov and Shabbos, and it will be difficult for me to have cooked food ready for an eruv tavshillin. May I use lox as my eruv tavshillin?
  • Adding Salt to Hot Food on Shabbat
    If I cook with less salt, may people add salt to their soup or cholent on Shabbat?
  • Pulling Teeth
    May I pull teeth on Shabbos? Does clipping fingernails on Shabbos involve a Torah prohibition? On Yom Tov, may I dig up earth to perform the mitzvah of kisuy hadam?
  • Borer on Plates
    We set our Shabbat table with a larger "charger" plate under the main plate. At the end of the meal, we clear off the dirty dishes and leave the charger plates. Is there a problem with borer (selecting)?
  • Carrying Nitroglycerin on Shabbos
    Is there a way whereby a person suffering from angina or other heart disease may carry his medication on Shabbos through a public thoroughfare?
  • פלטה
    Putting a kugel in the cholenet
    May I take a kugel that was on a hot plate on Shabbat and put it into a cholent that is in a crock pot?
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